2023-10-10 / 最終更新日 : 2023-10-10 tanaka_admin Books Since October 10, our Imabari Office has been moved to the following location. New Address : 3rd Floor Shimanami Building, 2-2-1 Kyoei-cho, Imabari City, Ehime Pref., Japan Since October 10, our Imabari Office has been moved to the following location. New Address : 3rd Floor Shimana […]
2023-04-13 / 最終更新日 : 2023-04-13 tanaka_admin Books Tanaka’s article and comments is published in the UK P&I Web Page. Tanaka’s article and comments is published in the UK P&I Web Page. FIMBank Plc v KCH Shipping Co Ltd [202 […]
2022-11-29 / 最終更新日 : 2022-11-29 tanaka_admin Books 【Books】 “History of Japanese Audit System in the 19th Century.” by TAKADA, Haruhito (Author) Keio University Law School Professor, Attorney at Law and Member of Tokyo Bar Association, Japan. 【Books】 “History of Japanese Audit System in the 19th Century.”by TAKADA, Haruhito (Author) Keio U […]